Quotes from Students

Practice means learning to really listen. What do you notice? Practice means building brick by brick.

“When I started to play the piano, it felt too hard.  But when I kept practicing, it felt easy.”
Ben – 4  years old

“Practice means going over your work.  Learning your piece better.  Getting ready. It isn’t good enough to understand your music, you have to know how to make your body play it.”
Amber  – 8 years old

“Practice means that you have to fight obstacles and do things piece by piece.  All in all, to practice means to give your best.”
Karlina – 10 years old

“Practice means to play something correct repetitively until your piece or part of your piece is polished.”
Thane – 14 years old

“ I don’t know what happens to me when I practice.  Sometimes I make mistakes.  I feel happy when I get it right!”
Sarah – 4 years old

“ Practicing means having patience”
Rhianon  – 6 years old

Musicians make music happen.

Make music happen now!

“practice is research!”
Dr Shinchi Suzuki

“Practice teaches us about ourselves.  How we think and what we can become.”
B. Maree

Musicians always solve problems.  Musicians try different ways to get something right!

Musicians never give up!