Bambie Maree A.V.C.M
Founder of VSPS ~ 2002

over 40 years teaching experience in • Orff  • Kodaly • Suzuki • Montessori

Alumnist and Associate of the Victoria Conservatory of Music.

Music Education Studies:

  • The Victoria Conservatory of Music
  • Music Ed – University Victoria
  • Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto
  •  Suzuki Institute in Matsumoto Japan
  • International Suzuki Confrences and
    Pedogogical workshops

Teaching Experience / Pedagogy specialist

  • Eight years in Montessori environments
  •  Ridley College Middle School in St. Catharines, Ontario
  • Founder of the Niagara Suzuki Piano School and
    Community Choirs
  • Coordinator for special piano workshops with NSPS and
    Brock University
  • Syllabus writer and Coordinator for the Kiwanis Music
    Festival – Piano Section – St. Catharines Ontario
  • 10 years faculty at the Victoria Conservatory of Music

Composition, Choral & Music Education Curriculum Development For:

Cridge Centre For The Family, Music Makers Day Care, St. Christopher’s Montessori, Maria Montessori Academy, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship and VSPS.

Creator of Montessori-Styled Music Puzzles (™)

On Teaching

Motivation is a word to give parents and teachers insomnia.
Instead, we must bring students to the inspired state of listening,
where their confidence is stimulated
by their own ability to hear clearly and profoundly.
We must teach them to walk,
so, they can not stop themselves from dancing.
We must allow them to experiment with their own amazing potential for listening to truly hear.
Then, we can sit back and watch them digest the sounds.
And listen to them,
as then,
they are free to play!
To soar.
To feel so strong, they will not stop.

On Playing

I play to celebrate my mind’s capacity to function, despite human error.
I do not play for fun. It’s more serious than that.
I do not play to feel released,
although it is possible to feel enslaved through study, and search for desperate release.
I play in praise of the Inspired State,
And the inspired experience motivates me to play.
I play to feel freedom and to soar.
I play and do not tire while in this state.
I play on
And my soul is refreshed.

Bambie Maree Musician and Pedagogue

45 Years of Making Music Happen

Church Liturgical Music Direction 1983 – 2023

  • Organist, Music Director for Services, Mass, Liturgical music for Choir and Clergy
  • Published 2017:  Book of Common Praise REC Hymnal Committee ISBN. 978-09979211-5-1
  • Cummins Theological Seminary, Summerville, South Carolina
  • Writer of Teaching Syllabus for Clericus, Calgary, Alberta.